Daria Zeev



Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (‘QHHT’)

What is Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (‘QHHT’)?

Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique is a process of hypnosis mastered by Dolores Cannon and is different than traditional hypnosis in the sense that the client is taken very deep into their subconsciousness. And that deep state is the easiest state to let go of that left brain – otherwise called ‘conscious mind’ and ‘the analytical part’, and explore that other side that really has all the answers.  

Why do people want to come for QHHT session?

People want to come for a QHHT session for many different reasons:

  • sometimes to understand the relationships in their lives or the reasons why things have been challenging;

  • sometimes they are having issues with health or their physical body, and they want to understand the cause and receive healing;

  • and sometimes it’s just curiosity – sometimes things just happen in their lives and they want to have some clear understanding about that. A lot of times that golden question comes up: “What’s my purpose, why am I here?” They feel like there is something deep inside them they are meant to be doing but they just don’t know what it is.

How does a QHHT session look like?

The process of QHHT is intended to be once-in-a-lifetime experience, it’s several hours long and in that process the practitioner and the client spend a couple of hours talking and getting to know each other, discussing what it is that the client wants to find out about themselves.

The client brings a list of questions that they want to have answers to while they are in that deep state. Then they get ready to do the hypnosis in which they stay for about two hours, maybe a little bit longer. What tends to happen is that first while they are in hypnosis they experience what we may call ‘a story’ that helps explain to them why things have been the way they’ve been – where they originated from and where the issues started.

I think that this is the most amazing aspect of QHHT because when we know where the issue began, then we can heal it and understand it and move on. We can discover ‘THE CORE ISSUE’. 

People can go and experience that part of the session in many different ways. Sometimes it is what we would typically call a ‘past life’ but the client doesn’t have to be in past lives to do this, we can call it ‘a story’, ‘a memory’, sometimes they stay in current life but they just tend to go to another time and place. And that’s pretty fascinating because it’s so relevant for their life and questions they are looking for the answers to. They start to see where the things are coming from. While they go into this beautiful process of hypnosis and they start seeing where things began, all these loose strings are starting magically come together.

What are the results of QHHT session?

The practitioners are trained to access that deep heart of the subconscious that truly knows everything. And we all have it, we all have the ability to do it. And when we access that part that knows all answers, that’s when we, practitioners, get the list of questions out because the critical part is that it’s not us answering the questions for the clients, we are not giving any advice nor any suggestions,


So much is coming through because the session is such a powerful tool. The session is really giving the client their power back. It is because we can grow up with this thought that everything happens to us. We don’t have control over anything. We tend to repeat – it’s not my fault, I’m just this victim. It’s a little too easy. Really though when the clients come to the session with all these questions, ‘IT’ gives all answers, which in practice is their intuition, gut – it is the part of them that is speaking and talking and it’s not.  It’s not that some weird thing speaking through them, it’s them. It’s taking their conscious mind out of the way and letting this divine guidance speak through.

Although they could answer their list of questions in a pretty good way in a conscious state, the answers which come through in the session are so deep and profound – they are simply mind-blowing and many times they go into the directions the clients could never even have imagined. So when get this guidance from themselves, they just this look in awe. They very often have carried this heavy weight and burden and all of the sudden this burden comes off. Grief, misunderstanding or anger – they disappear. Because this is the subconscious which decides where to go. So it is actually themselves that lead the session and look for these answers and have these answers. Practitioners are just those lucky people who sit beside of them and get to experience them finding the ultimate clarity and resolution of the burdens of many lifetimes.

Healing in QHHT sessions

Another amazing topic of the QHHT sessions is their healing aspect. The body is always the greatest messenger and is always trying to communicate with you. You think that injuries, illnesses and accidents just happen to you. This is not true, nothing is accidental. The imprint for certain illnesses comes from certain aspects in akashic records. The examples of body messages and related illnesses can be:

  • many clients who have a thyroid issue are not speaking their truth and the subconscious would say over and over again: ‘they have something to say, they are not speaking their truth’;

  • the heart is the seed of emotions, so heart issues are very often linked to broken heart, it has to do with the relationship department;

  • anything linked to pain in knees, legs and ankles has to do with going into the wrong direction or being stuck.

So nothing is really too much of a mystery. When people start understanding that their body is giving them messages, it really makes them very effective in solving their own problems. It shifts the reality from trying to medicate symptoms into going and solving the root cause. The illness in the body is just the disruption in energy that we created. Once the message is delivered from the body in the QHHT session and the energy is balanced, the body has a natural ability to heal instant (which we consider to be a miracle while in practice it is just the balancing of the energy and answering to this message that the body has delivered).

 It’s about taking your power back in the session and taking the responsibility for you, your energy, your health. In the session we can discover what has to be done here and now to heal and you are the one being responsible for taking those steps.